The need for comprehensive eye examinations by an Optometrist is critical to your overall health. Vision and ocular health conditions are not always accompanied by recognizable symptoms, and there is often an increased risk to the patient if timely treatment is not initiated. Systemic disease such as diabetes, hypertension, elevated cholesterol, autoimmune, brain tumors, MS and many others, can be detected during your eye examination.

Frequency of examinations is dependent on your particular eye care needs. The recommended minimum frequencies of eye exams for most “low risk” people are:

• Birth – 24 month, Infants/Toddlers - By 6 months • 2 – 5 years, Preschool - At 3 prior to starting elementary school • 20 – 64 years, Adults - Every 1 – 2 years • 65 years and older, Mature Adults - Annually The frequencies of examinations for those people with “high risk” eye care needs are best determined by the Optometrist at your initial visit. Some higher risk categories could include: Infants/Toddlers & Preschool: Premature birth, low birth weight, mother's health during pregnancy, family medical history of strabismus or congenital eye disorders.

• School Age: children experiencing difficulty at school, children exhibiting reading and/or learning disabilities.
• Adult: diabetes, hypertension, family history of glaucoma, those whose work is visually demanding or who face eye hazards.
• Mature Adult: diabetes, hypertension, family history of glaucoma, those taking systemic medication with ocular side effects.
If you have questions about whether you are at high risk for eye care, speak to your Optometrist.

Alberta Health Services covers emergency eye care with Optometrists with a valid Alberta Health care number. We can also work with WCB should your injury occur during the course of your employment. Red eyes, foreign body removal, new onset flashes and floaters, and other sudden visual changes can be assessed and managed at our clinics. Please call (403) 912-0999 with any concerns and our team will arrange a timely appointment for assessment. Our team can assess urgency over the phone and can schedule same day appointments if required.
